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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

34 Months.....

Today, MX is officially 34 mths. Time flies so fast, another two months, he will turn 3yrs old!!

Here some of his milestone:-
Motor Skill
~ He can jumps from the sofa to the floor
~ He loves to run here and there
~ He can feeds himself pretty well by using a spoon and fork
like an adult
~ He can wears cloths, pants and even shoe by himself
~ He can brushes teeth by himself (sometimes, he will still need
my help and supervision)

Talking Skill
~ He names pictures he sees in books and can identify objects
from television shows and video
~ He uses sentences of six or more words
~ He uses phrase like Please, Thank you, You're Welcome,
Excuse Me and I'm Sorry
~ He speaks well enough for strangers to understand

Learning Skill
~ He enjoys using the telephone but is unable to concentrate for long
and can only communicate for a short period of time
~ He likes using his hands and lovers finger painting, clay modeling
and building toys such as Lego
~ He knows count from 1 to 10.

Toilet Training
~ He uses and adult toilet by potty seat when he poo.
~ He stays dry most at daytime
~ He switch from sitting to standing to pee


chanelwong said...

Big boy liau....more things to learn and surprise you...

Rebecca said...

Agree with you, Chanel. Now, Ivan becomes more naughty already :)

Chinneeq said...

You have been tag. see http://www.demoments.net/blog/?p=764